Terms and Conditions....
Dear Customer,
All of our classes offer huge amounts of fun however we do have a serious side and we do have rules which we urge you to read before booking. We have mentioned 4 points below, that are very important and you will find in more detail in the Ts'&C's.
The beauty of forest schools, is we have a high staff to child ratio, because of the content of the classes e.g bow sawing, whittling, making fires. There is a huge amount of work involved behind the scenes in preparing our lesson plans and resourcing our activities.
The one question we get asked a lot, whether it's our term time classes or holiday camps, is if you can swap your booked session. If we have someone on the waiting list and they are willing to take your place, we can arrange this for you. If we don't, then we cannot swap your booking, as we have already committed to this class or camp, by booking the venue, allocating staff and purchasing resources. If you book then we allocate the teams based on the booked figures, so if you are not certain about attending please be sure you read our Terms and Conditions before booking.
​As we are weather reliant, if the weather is causing us danger we will not run this class or camp and we will offer you an alternative. We guarantee you will get your class / camp back. We do not offer refunds when it's a weather reason, as it's something we cannot control.
Please make sure you follow the kit list, it is vital our children are warm and dry on cold wet days and are suitably dressed on warm days.
If you are bringing food to our sessions, please ensure they do not contain nuts. If your child attends unaccompanied and has an allergy and requires an Epipen they MUST bring 2 "in date" epipens. If they don't then they will need to come back with them. We will not accept any children without the correct medicine or medical aid.
We value your custom and thank you for taking the time to read.
Willow's Forest School Team
Terms and Conditions
Willow’s Forest School is a limited company and holds full Public Liability Insurance. Please be aware that activities take place over rough natural ground and although we take every precaution to ensure safe play, accidents may occur. The staff are all First Aid Trained, DBS checked and we risk assess our site and put boundaries in place to ensure a safe experience for the children. Be prepared that your child will sometimes come home muddy and wet but they will have had a great day!
Postponing due to weather reasons
We run all of our classes in privately owned woodlands. If it's a windy day, we cannot run if the gusts rise to 38 mph or above throughout any part of the day (when running holiday camps). Please look out for an email from us and please can we ask that you reply, so you know not to come. We will offer you an alternative. We will not refund you if we cannot run due to weather. If you cannot make an alternate class you are welcome to gift this class to a friend.
We cannot stress enough how important it is to dress your children for a half / full day outside in the forest, so they can have a positive experience with us. We reserve the right to refuse entry and no refund will be granted if your child is not dressed correctly for a day in the forest. Please see our kit list. You will be given the option to return your child, dressed in the correct clothing. Please note that even if it has not been raining, water proofs are essential for the activities the children participate in. In the summer months the children need to be wearing long sleeved t-shirts, long light weight trousers, protective footwear (no open toe sandals or crocs) and a summer hat. Please also apply insect repellent and sun cream lotion to your child before the session starts. Our teams are not authorised to apply lotions so please ensure they have a generous amount applied before you meet us.
Allergies and medication
If your children are attending unaccompanied with us and require an inhaler or EpiPen, you will be asked to bring a named pouch, with a seal. The pouch must contain the medication, a care plan completed by the health professional, a health form completed by the parents and a sign in and out sheet, so we can track the medication. Any additional medication required to be administered during the class / camps must be documented on your child's booking form - where it states "other information". We do not usually administer medication, so please email us and the Leader will give you a call. info@willowsforestschool.co.uk
If your child is attending ANY of our classes unaccompanied and requires an EpiPen, then we politely ask you follow our requests. This includes term time Explorer's, Holiday Camps, Home Ed classes and After School Clubs. School or Nurseries should provide their own staff to administer First Aid and EpiPen's but if we ever find ourselves without a school staff member the following must be followed by the school. We will not accept a child that requires an EpiPen without the following.
A named pouch, with a seal.
The pouch must contain 2 in date EpiPen's, prescribed to your child
A care plan completed by the health professional
A health form completed by the parent, so we have further details - we can provide a form
A sign in and out sheet - which we can provide.
If your child requires an EpiPen and you are wishing for our staff to administer, we will only accept two, in date EpiPen's.
We will not accept one EpiPen or EpiPen's that are out of date. EpiPen's and any medication must be handed to our Leader and will not be accessible to other children. Please do not leave the medication in your child's bag or hand to anyone other than our Leader.
We are a nut free Forest School. We have many children with nut allergies, so please do not bring in any food that contains nuts. We will check packed lunch boxes and snacks of unaccompanied children.
If we cannot run the class because we have staff sickness we will refund you the exact value you paid for the class / camp. If you paid with Vouchers or TFC then we will offer you a voucher of the exact value to use another time.
If you book with us and for whatever reason you change your plans, we will still be committed to the class / camp and we cannot refund you unless someone else takes your space. This is why we run waiting lists. If your space is taken, we will then refund you minus an admin fee of £7.50.
Changing your class / camp
Whether it's our term time classes or holiday camps, we cannot swap your booked session unless we have someone on the waiting list that's willing to take your place. If we don't, we will advertise for you but we cannot just swap your booking, as we have already committed to this class or camp, by booking the venue, allocating staff and purchasing resources. When you book we then allocate the teams based on the booked figures.
When you book with us, you will find the kit list, maps, directions etc on the booking system or you can visit our website. It is a requirement to fill in all the fields when using our booking system. Please refrain from booking other peoples children. The reason for this is we work off the information given to us and we cannot be liable if we have not been given the correct details. It is vital we have the correct contact details and accurate information on each child.
Contacting us
We are always in the woods and we don't have very good connection. Please refrain from sending whatsapp messages and texts as we do not always receive in time. The most reliable way is to email us.
We promote kindness and we reserve the right to remove your child from our premises if negative or unkind behaviour persists. We have a duty to protect all of our children and staff. We reserve the right to cancel your booking if a parent / guardian behaves in an unacceptable manner towards our staff, other parents or landowners. A refund will not be granted and we reserve the right to withdraw your child from future lessons at Willow's Forest School.
Drop off and Collection - please be punctual
Please be in the queue 5 minutes before the start time. We have to walk from the registration point to our base camp with all of the children. Once we have locked the gate we are on our way and we cannot keep returning back to the gate, to let late arrivals join us. Please ensure you know which venue you are attending as Willow's Forest School operates from many sites. For Holiday Camps, we will be back at the gate at 1425, to sign your child back out by 1430. Please be on time. Thank you so much.
Inset Days / older child off school
Please find alternative childcare for your older children who are not attending school on the day you are booked with us. Our classes are for 1-4 years and the activities are for this age group. If you are really stuck please ask your Leader in advance and they will make the final decision. If your older child is off sick please do not ask to bring to our classes. Please refrain from contacting admin. Thank you.
Please do not bring your child to attend forest school if he/she they have been sick or has had diarrhoea within the previous 48 hours. We do wish your child a speedy recovery. If your child has either of the symptoms whilst at forest school, we will call you so you can collect your child.
Social Media
When you complete our booking form please indicate whether your child can appear on social media. If yes, we may post on our website, Facebook and Instagram pages. If you decide you would like to see your child on our posts but you have opted for no, please contact us in writing to ask us to update your booking to say yes and then the next time we will be able to take photos. Without written consent, the teams will work off what the booking system says.
We have a fantastic relationship with all of our Landowners. Some of our sites have speed limits in place. Please abide by these when entering their land. They are there to protect the safety of yourself, other people, children and animals. If you ignore their requests they reserve the right to ask you to leave and not return.
If you receive one of our gift vouchers, you can use the whole value against any of our privately run sessions e.g term time classes or school holiday camps.. If your child attends our classes through their school, our gift vouchers are not transferable and cannot be used. Please contact us to book and we will give you your booking reference.
Tax Free Childcare and Childcare vouchers
Please see the relevant page and visit the drop down box. We do not offer refunds but we do offer a transfer if we have to cancel a class / camp.
Adjusting from term time to camps
If your child attends term time classes and then wishes to attend the holiday camps when 4 years old, please note the structure of the day is very different to the 2 hour sessions and could possibly be run by different staff. We advise for smaller children who are attending holiday camps for the first time to come along with a friend if you feel they may not adapt well. Please chat with us, we will be very happy to help.